Victorian News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Yalourn Power Station closure

EnergyAustralia has announced it is bringing forward by four years the closure of the Yallourn Power Station in Victoria to…[Read More]

Environment Amendment Act commencement date set

The commencement of the provisions of the Victorian Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 has been proclaimed by the Governor of…[Read More]

New Victorian Contaminated Land publications: Released

EPA Victoria has released three publications this week on the contaminated land framework under the new Environment Protection Act 2017.The…[Read More]

GRANT OPPORTUNITY: New funding to create innovative products and expand markets for recycled materials

Sustainability Victoria has launched a new $1.8 million Recycling Victoria Research and Development Fund – Materials to support research institutes…[Read More]

Roadside concrete dumper pleads guilty

EPA Victoria has prosecuted a man who dumped tonnes of concrete by roadsides across Melbourne.The EPA-led investigation followed collaboration by…[Read More]

EPA Victoria sends warning of significant penalties for non compliance

Three businesses consisting of four metal and building and construction recycling sites, that have allegedly failed to meet regulatory requirements,…[Read More]

Proposed streamlined approval for reuse of materials: Comment sought

The Victorian Government is seeking to reduce unnecessary regulatory barriers for recycling in Victoria.  To make it easier for people…[Read More]

GRANTS OPPORTUNITY: Recycling Victoria Business Support Fund – Stream 2: Implementation Grants

Sustainability Victoria has grants available through ‘Support Fund: Stream 2: Implementation grants.  The grants will primarily target waste prevention and…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Recycling Victoria Councils Fund

Sustainability Victoria is providing funding under Recycling Victoria Councils Fund which is a 4 year program to support local government…[Read More]

New CEO for EPA Victoria

Dr Cathy Wilkinson has been appointed an Adjunct Associate Professor with Monash University at the Monash Sustainable Development Institute.  Dr…[Read More]

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