Victorian News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Draft Marine and Coastal Strategy – Comment sought

The Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning has released the draft Marine and Coastal Strategy for comment.  The…[Read More]

NEW GUIDANCE: For the clean-up and management of contaminated groundwater

EPA Victoria has released Guidance for the clean-up and management of contaminated groundwater that outlines the concept of minimisation of…[Read More]

Guide to classifying industrial waste

EPA Victoria has released the Guide to classifying industry waste.  The purpose of the Guide is to step through the process…[Read More]

Water: Class A Recycled Water – Incident notification protocol

EPA Victoria has released the publication – Class A recycled water – incident notification protocol that is intended for Class A recycled…[Read More]

Guidance posters for various sectors: Released by EPA Vic

EPA Victoria has released sector guidance posters for the following sectors that provide brief information about common industry hazards and…[Read More]

More about the new Victorian environment protection laws

Under the new Victorian laws, all Victorians must minimise or respond to risks of harm to human health and the…[Read More]

Heater replacement scheme

Assistance is available through the Victorian Government heater replacement scheme to help low income and vulnerable households by replacing gas,…[Read More]

EPA’s Fire Prevention Program: Waste and Resources Recovery sites across Victoria affected

EPA Victoria’s Fire Prevention team have inspected over 200 waste and resource recovery sites across Victoria so far this year,…[Read More]

Waste record template for drivers and receivers

EPA Victoria has advised that if you are have issues in connecting to the Waste Tracker, this form is now…[Read More]

Regulatory Impact Statement for Draft Petroleum Regulations

The Victorian Government is seeking your feedback to help shape new regulations for Victoria’s onshore conventional gas industry.The proposed Petroleum…[Read More]

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