Victorian News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Business Support Fund (Stream 1) – Develop a circular economy business case

Funding is currently open to Victorian businesses under the Business Support Fund – Round 2, Stream 1: Develop a circular…[Read More]

Bonuses for Victorian Small Businesses to upgrade to more energy-efficient equipment

The Small Business Energy Saver Program provides small businesses with bonuses to upgrade to more energy-efficient equipment.Bonuses of up to…[Read More]

Improved Ambient Air Quality Standards: Released

EPA Victoria has released new Environment Reference Standard (ERS) for three pollutants that now meet newly upgraded national standards and…[Read More]

Changes to Wind Farm Noise Regulations

The Victorian Government is seeking feedback on the proposed Regulations for wind farm noise in Victoria.Wind farms play an important…[Read More]

Improvements to EPA’s Waste Tracker System

EPA Victoria has reported that work has begun on a range of improvements to EPA’s Waste Tracker system to assist…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: For Victorian Manufacturers and Medical Technology Businesses

Funding of between $100K and $500K is available under the Medtech Manufacturing Capability Program VIC for Victorian manufacturers and medical…[Read More]

Subsides for Victorian Businesses to Purchase Zero Emissions Vehicles

Subsidies are available to Victorian businesses and individuals of up to $3K through the Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Subsidy to purchase…[Read More]

Operating Licence Transition Process: Information Released

EPA Victoria has released information on the Operating licence transition process.  If you had a licence under the old laws,…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINES: Environmental Auditor Guidelines for Appointment and Conduct

EPA Victoria has released the Environmental auditor guidelines for appointment and conduct. The guidelines explain the process for appointment and…[Read More]

2022-23 Victorian Default Offer Review: Comment sought

The Essential Services Commission (ESC) is responsible for setting the annual Victorian default offer prices for electricity, and prior to setting…[Read More]

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