Expressions of interest are sought by the Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change for 9 member positions, including a…[Read More]
Victorian News
This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
Energy Technology Innovation Strategy (ETIS) Grant
The Victorian Government has announced a $250,000 grant, under the Victorian Government’s Energy Technology Innovation Strategy (ETIS), to be provided…[Read More]
Chemical spill at Port of Portland
EPA Victoria is assisting the Country Fire Authority with a recent chemical spill at the Port of Portland. CFA air…[Read More]
EPA Victoria fines abattoir $6,000 for illegally dumping waste
EPA inspected an abattoir prior to a proposed license amendment, when they found large amounts of treated timber, concrete and…[Read More]
Port Phillip Bay health report – Released
The Office of the Environmental Monitor (OEM) has released its fourth annual report on the health of Port Phillip Bay…[Read More]
Interim report for Environment and Resource Efficiency Plans (EREP) – Released
EPA Victoria has released an interim report on its Environment and Resource Efficiency Plans (EREP) program, a mandatory resource efficiency…[Read More]
New Industrial Waste Facts Sheet released by EPA Victoria
The EPA has produced new Industrial Waste Fact Sheets for individuals and industry who excavate, supply or receive waste soil…[Read More]
FirstRate5 Energy Rating Software
TENDER Sustainability Victoria is calling for tenders for the sale of its FirstRate5 software used to rate the thermal performance…[Read More]
Consultation on Victorian Green Light Plan
Local Government Victoria is seeking feedback on the proposed program design of the state governments $20 million Green Light Plan…[Read More]
HazWaste funding for Victorian Industry
Funding opportunity Victorian industry is being urged to liaise with the EPA Victoria to find and develop suitable projects that…[Read More]