Victorian News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Flexible electricity pricing options and new online tool

Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources, Nicholas Kotsiras has launched flexible electricity pricing options to assist households choose pricing plans…[Read More]

Native Vegetation Information Management system – released

The Victorian Government has launched the Native Vegetation Information Management system (NVIM).  The tool allows landholders to identify proposed vegetation…[Read More]

Calculating the landfill levy and recycling rebates – released

EPA Victoria has released a new information bulletin for calculating the landfill levy and recycling rebates.   The bulletin is designed…[Read More]

Technical issues have affected the annual performance statement submission form of some licence holders

EPA Victoria has been working to correct technical issues that have affected the annual performance statement (APS) submission forms, of a number of…[Read More]

EPA Victoria to inspect all licensed sites to ensure compliance

Businesses have been given the opportunity to review and, if needed, improve their environmental performance ahead of a likely site…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Are you eligible for funding to improve resource efficiency and reduce costs?

Sustainable Victoria’s Smarter Resources, Smarter Business (SRSB) Program is investing $14 million over 5 years to assist industry sectors across…[Read More]

Draft Guideline on Energy from Waste – comment sought

EPA Victoria has released a draft guideline on Energy from Waste that outlines how the Environment Protection Act 1970 and…[Read More]

Recycling grants available

The Victorian Government has announced the $1 million Regional Public Place Recycling Grants program.   Victorian Minister for Environment and…[Read More]

Funding for businesses to improve efficiency

Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith yesterday announced the expansion of the Victorian Coalition Government’s $14 million…[Read More]

Energy efficiency funding for Victoria’s office buildings

Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith has announced $3.59 million in funding to help improve the energy…[Read More]

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