EPA Victoria Chairman, Cheryl Batagol has announced Nial Finegan as EPA’s new Chief Executive. Mr Finegan has served with the…[Read More]
Victorian News
This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
Draft fire operation plan for Mallee Fire District and Murray Goldfields – Feedback sought
The Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries’ (DEPI) has released 2 separate draft fire operations plans for the Mallee…[Read More]
Review of Victoria’s State Environment Protection Policies (SEPPs) for Noise
EPA Victoria (EPA) and the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) have commenced a review of 2 State…[Read More]
Communities for Natural Grants available
The Victorian Government has announced the availability of Communities for Nature grants that is targeted at organisations such as local…[Read More]
Air monitoring report – released
EPA Victoria has released the latest Air monitoring report 2013 – compliance with the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality)…[Read More]
Breach of environmental laws – Fine for company and individuals
A Beechworth developer was one of several companies and individuals that were subject to enforcement action by EPA Victoria last…[Read More]
EPA Victoria issued with new Statement of Expectations
Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith has issued EPA Victoria with its latest Statement of Expectations, which…[Read More]
Biomass power plant in north-west Victoria
A $174 million biomass power plant near Mildura is a step closer, with rezoning approval from Minister for Planning Matthew…[Read More]
EPA’s position on provision of financial assurance for licences and works approvals
EPA Victoria has released a draft statement of position that explains the way EPA Victoria intends to apply financial assurances…[Read More]
Pilot: Innovative solar energy system
Stage 1 of an innovative solar power test facility, which concentrates the equivalent of 800 suns onto cells, has been…[Read More]