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This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Sustainable Energy funding Round closing soon

QLD Environment Minister Vicky Darling has urged businesses to prepare for the next round of the Queensland Sustainable Energy Innovation…[Read More]

Cropping Land Act commences

The State Government’s strategic cropping land legislation commenced on 30 January 2012.  QLD Natural Resources Minister Rachel Nolan said the…[Read More]

EPA NSW prosecutes a Banksmeadow recycling facility

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has commenced six prosecution proceedings against Botany Building Recyclers Pty Ltd, Foxman Environmental Development…[Read More]

Ballina sugar mill mercury incident

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) was informed by WorkCover NSW on January 31, that approximately 100 millilitres of mercury…[Read More]

Comment on changes to pollution incident reporting

The NSW Government is calling on submissions on proposed changes to environmental regulation that aims to improve the way reporting…[Read More]

Electricity prices set to further increase

In June 2011 IPART estimated the average increase in regulated prices from July 1, 2012 to be 10% and 9.5%…[Read More]

Waste Levy Review

NSW Minister for the Environment Robyn Parker recently called for submissions on the review of the NSW Waste and Environment…[Read More]

Works Approval for Sita Contaminated Soil Treatment facility

EPA Victoria has issued a works approval to Sita Australia to construct a soil treatment facility at its existing landfill…[Read More]

Inquiry into feed-in tariffs and barriers to local generation

The Victorian Government is establishing a Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission (VCEC) inquiry to determine the most appropriate regulatory framework…[Read More]

EPA Victoria’s policy for providing funding to organisations

EPA Victoria has released this document that outlines a model to demonstrate how compliance and enforcement actions can impact funding…[Read More]

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