The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has launch its white paper on The Incredible Ultra Low-Cost Solar (ULCS) – how…[Read More]
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This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
CSIRO and AEMO release latest report on electricity generation and storage
The CSIRO and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) have released their latest report GenCost 2022-23, that marks the first…[Read More]
Register of solar water heaters (V.51): Applications open
The Clean Energy Regulator is seeking applications for version 51 of the Register of solar water heaters. The Register of solar…[Read More]
Independent appointed for review on gateway checks for Human-induced regeneration (HIR) projects
The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has engaged Assoc. Prof. (Honorary) Cris Brack from the Australian National University to independently review…[Read More]
Climate Change Authority to review potential technology transition and emissions pathways to better support Australia’s transition to net zero by 2050
The Australian Parliament has requested the Climate Change Authority (CCA) to review the potential technology transition and emissions pathways that…[Read More]
2023-24 Corporate Plan of Climate Change Authority: Released
The Climate Change Authority has released its 2023-24 Corporate Plan that outlines its activities for the next four years. The Chair…[Read More]
Code of Practice for Common Risk Management Techniques for Quarries: Comment sought
Consultation opens to review and provide feedback on the draft Code of Practice for Common Risk Management Techniques for Quarries. Earth…[Read More]
Victoria’s renewable gas consultation paper: Comment sought
The Victorian Government seeks comment from industry and the community on a consultation paper – Victoria’s Renewable Gas Consultation Paper…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINES: Asbestos and Waste Tyres
From 19 September 2023, new Asbestos and Waste Tyres Guidelines (Version 2) come into effect that contain legal requirements that…[Read More]
NSW EPA releases policy on use of Pesticides
NSW EPA administers the NSW Pesticides Act 1999 (the Act) to control the use of pesticides in NSW and reduce…[Read More]