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This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Review of WA’s waste strategy: Comment sought

Just a reminder that WA’s waste strategy is under review and your feedback is sought by the Waste Authority who…[Read More]

Review of Code of Practice for Milking Shed Effluent to protect SA’s water resources

EPA SA is currently reviewing the Code of practice for Milking Shed Effluent (originally published in 2003) to ensure it aligns with…[Read More]

$26 Billion commitment to renewable energy for QLD

As part of the 2024-25 Queensland Budget, $26 billion has been committed to renewable energy over the next four years.…[Read More]

NEW GUIDELINE: Compliance under EPA Act

As QLD’s environment regulator, the QLD Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) has released an updated guideline that provides…[Read More]

Tyre recycling company cops fine of $225K for improper storage of waste tyres

A tyre recycling company in NSW has been ordered by the NSW Land and Environment Court to pay over $160,000…[Read More]

Drone secures footage for 2nd conviction of illegal asbestos dumping

An offender has been fined $200,000 by Liverpool Local Court, after a covert surveillance operation conducted by NSW EPA captured…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Essential public EV fast charging and kerbside charging infrastructure

The NSW Government has announced $73.5 million of grants to support the rollout of essential public electric vehicle (EV) fast…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Plastic pollution solutions

NSW EPA is calling on industry innovators to help fight plastic pollution by developing bold and creative solutions to tackle…[Read More]

Allegations environmental consultant falsified sample results in numerous environmental reports in NSW

NSW EPA is investigating an environmental consultant in relation to allegations of falsified sampling results in a number of environmental…[Read More]

Indoor air quality research for Victoria’s public spaces

Victoria’s Minister for Medical Research Ben Carroll has announced that the Burnet Institute will deliver the Pathway to Clean Indoor…[Read More]

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