EPA Victoria has a step-by-step continuous improvement framework to manage its own greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and achieve carbon neutrality.…[Read More]
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This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
Environmental auditors to complete application for reappointment under EP Act 2017
The Environmental auditor reappointment application (S1), made available by EPA Victoria, is to be used by environmental auditors for applications…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINE Storage and management of waste batteries
EPA Victoria has released the guideline Storage and management of waste batteries that applies to waste and resource recovery facilities…[Read More]
NEW GUIDELINE Waste Mass Balance
EPA Victoria has released the Waste Mass Balance Guideline that is intended to assist landfill permission holders/liable persons in preparing…[Read More]
PROPOSED GUIDELINE Disposing of Treated Timber
EPA Victoria has released a proposed guideline on disposing of treated timber. The final guideline is intended to help when…[Read More]
NSW EPA CEO, Tracy Mackey announced her resignation last December 2021. Her office had advised that they expect the appointment…[Read More]
NSW EPA Regulatory Strategy 2021-24: Released
NSW EPA has launched its first Regulatory Strategy 2021-24. The Regulatory Policy sits under the Regulatory Strategy. The Strategy outlines…[Read More]
Aboriginal Land Clean up and Prevention Program: Guidelines Round 5: 2021-23
NSW EPA has released information for the Aboriginal Land Clean Up and Prevention Program (ALCUP program) and seeks expressions of…[Read More]
NSW EPA Annual Report 2020-2021
NSW EPA has released its Annual Report for 2020-2021 that summarises its performance, achievements, activities, operations and financial statements of…[Read More]
Contaminated Land Consultant Certification Policy
NSW EPA has released the Contaminated land consultant certification policy that sets out NSW EPA’s requirements for the use of…[Read More]