New South Wales News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

NSW Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Bill passes in Parliament

The NSW Government’s landmark Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Bill has passed both Houses of Parliament that paves the way…[Read More]

Updated software by NSW EPA for small waste facility operators: Released

NSW EPA has developed the Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation Package (E-RAMP) software to help small waste facility operators assess…[Read More]

Water Sharing Plan for NSW

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment seeks your feedback on the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Border Rivers…[Read More]

Reform of Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management in NSW

NSW EPA is seeking your feedback on proposed changes to NSW environmental laws to strengthen the regulation of industrial chemicals…[Read More]

Review of coal fired power station environment protection licences: Comment sought

NSW EPA is seeking feedback on the statutory review of environment protection licences for coal fired power stations at Bayswater,…[Read More]

Review of the Safe use of Pesticides including Herbicides in non-agricultural workplaces code of practice: Comment sought

SafeWork NSW is reviewing the Safe use of pesticides including herbicides in non-agricultural workplaces code of practice and is asking…[Read More]

Bin Trim Equipment Rebates Program opens

To increase workplace recycling of waste, NSW EPA is providing businesses with rebates under the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy…[Read More]

Proposed additional action on plastic in NSW: Comment sought

NSW EPA is proposing to take further action on plastics in NSW and has released a new paper – NSW…[Read More]

Amendment to Waste Regulation: Commenced 27 October 2023

In NSW, the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Mixed Waste Organic Outputs) Regulation 2023 (Amending Regulation) amended the Protection of the…[Read More]

Amendment to Radiation Control Act: Commenced 24 October 2023

In NSW, the Radiation Control Amendment Act 2023 (the amending Act) amends the Radiation Control Act 1990 (the Act) to implement the recommendations of a…[Read More]

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