New South Wales News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Council enters into Enforceable Undertaking for potential harm to environment due to Council incident

In September 2019, an estimated two million litres of sewage was discharged to the Queanbeyan River.  The incident occurred when…[Read More]

NSW EPA puts industry on notice

NSW EPA has conducted unannounced compliance inspections at numerous waste facilities on 29 June 2020. Over 50 EPA officers carried…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: for NSW manufacturers to improve energy efficiency

Applications are now open to NSW manufacturers for Round 2 funding to improve energy efficiency in –• equipment upgrades; and•…[Read More]

New NSW study shows less food waste

A new study, Food Management in COVID-19 which was commissioned by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and…[Read More]

Local government waste and resource recovery data report 2018-19

The NSW Local Government Waste and Resource Recovery Data Report 2018–19 was released by NSW EPA. The report provides data…[Read More]

Conviction for attempting to prevent EPA Officers from undertaking investigation

A NSW person has been convicted and sentenced after being found guilty of wilfully delaying an authorised NSW EPA Officer…[Read More]

Council enters into Enforceable Undertaking for potential harm to environment due to Council incident

In September 2019, an estimated two million litres of sewage was discharged to the Queanbeyan River.  The incident occurred when all…[Read More]

GRANTS OPPORTUNITY: Food and organics waste recycling; litter prevention and cleanup of illegal dumping

NSW EPA is providing grants to industry and councils to –• improve food and organic waste recycling,• litter prevention, and•…[Read More]

IPART outlines Sydney Water’s new maximum prices for water, wastewater and stormwater services for customers: Commencing 1 July 2020

A final report was released this week by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) that outlines Sydney Water’s new…[Read More]

Water supply boost for Tamworth

NSW’s Tamworth’s water supply will be boosted by an environmental approval of a drought response pipeline to keep the water…[Read More]

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