New South Wales News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: For businesses to develop and commercialise innovative clean technologies

The NSW Government is providing funding under the Clean Technology, Research, Development and Commercialisation Infrastructure Grants NSW for NSW initiatives…[Read More]

Conviction for providing false waste classification report

A testing service company that provides waste classification services, was found guilty in a NSW Court for supplying false information…[Read More]

Farmer enters Enforceable Undertaking for clearing his land

A farmer in NSW has entered into an Enforceable Undertaking with NSW Department of Planning and Environment following the clearing…[Read More]

Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2022: Commenced

In NSW, the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2022 commenced on 4 March 2022.The Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2022 varies a number…[Read More]

Draft Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2022: Comment sought

NSW EPA has reviewed the Contaminated Land Management Regulation 2013 to ensure it reflects current best practice and is now…[Read More]

Draft Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulations 2022: Comment sought

NSW EPA is remaking the Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulations 2014 for the transport of dangerous goods to…[Read More]

Container Deposit Scheme Material Recovery Facility Processing Refund Protocol

NSW EPA has released the Material Recovery Facility Processing Refund Protocol (Protocol) that is made under s.28(2) of the Waste…[Read More]

Litter Costs to NSW Economy: Preliminary Report Released

NSW EPA has released a preliminary report on Litter Costs to the NSW Economy.  MRA Consulting Group (MRA) was engaged by…[Read More]

Organisational Chart of NSW EPA Released

NSW EPA has released its organisational chart (the latest) of senior management.

NSW EPA Prosecution Guidelines

NSW EPA has released their prosecution guidelines that set out the factors the EPA takes into account in deciding whether, how…[Read More]

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