New South Wales News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

New Strategy for NSW Litter Prevention

NSW’s Northern Rivers small  businesses and residents will be able  to access flood support with a new  NSW EPA program…[Read More]

Carbon credit income from FOGO manual: Information for NSW councils

NSW EPA has released the Carbon  credit income from FOGO manual that provides councils with a step-by-step  guide on how…[Read More]

NSW EPA releases licence categorisation tool

NSW EPA has released the  Environmental Management  Calculation Protocol that sets out the  method that NSW EPA uses to  determine…[Read More]

Renewable Energy Zone declared for NSW

The NSW Minister for Energy has  formally declared the South West  Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) that  was published in the…[Read More]

Driving NSW’s circular economy: Discussion Paper release

NSW EPA has released a discussion paper on including more drinking containers in the NSW Container Deposit Scheme, Return and…[Read More]

Complying with the NSW Container Deposit Scheme legislation: New information released

NSW EPA has released the following new guidance to assist suppliers, industry and retail to comply with the NSW Container…[Read More]

New guidance for industry to identify single-use plastic of food service ware items

NSW EPA has released the single-use plastics guide for food service ware items for industry.  The guide is intended to assist…[Read More]

New guide for suppliers to identify problematic banned plastics: Released

The NSW Government has banned the supply of some problematic and single-use plastic items. NSW EPA has released a guide to…[Read More]

NSW Container Deposit Scheme planning to expand products

The NSW Container Deposit Scheme – Return and Earn scheme is planning to expand to include glass wine and spirits…[Read More]

NSW Independent Review Report of the Resource Recovery Framework: Released

NSW EPA has welcomed the Independent Review Report of the Resource Recovery Framework delivered by Dr Cathy Wilkinson, formerly CEO…[Read More]

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