New South Wales News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

NSW Waste and Environment Levy review

– reminder for feedback On 29 February 2012, the Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN), in conjunction with the NSW Office…[Read More]

Interim performance report of Upper Hunter Air Quality Network

The Upper Hunter Air Quality Monitoring Network: Interim Performance Report December 2010– August 2011 is now available to download and…[Read More]

Victoria and NSW looks at harmonising energy efficiency schemes

The NSW and Victorian premiers have agreed to establish a taskforce to report on options for making both state’s energy…[Read More]

Draft planning guidelines for Wind farms

The Draft NSW Planning Guidelines: Wind Farms have been prepared with a focus on “up-front consultation, clear development approval processes…[Read More]

Inquiry makes recommendations on Orica incident

The select committee report into Orica’s chromium IV leak on August 8, 2011 has produced 24 separate findings and has…[Read More]

Waste and Environment Levy review

In January 2012, NSW Minister for the Environment, Robyn Parker announced an independent review of the waste and environment levy.…[Read More]

Changes to NSW model Work Health & Safety (WHS) Regulations

According to the Workcover Authority of NSW, the implementation of the model Work Health and Safety Regulations (WHS Regulations) should…[Read More]

Hexavalent chromium lower than first reported at Stockton

EPA NSW has revealed it has revised its figures for the levels of hexavalent chromium present after the August 8,…[Read More]

Audit compliance and the GGAS for 2012

According to a guide for Accredited Certificate Providers under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme the “GGAS will terminate (via public…[Read More]

Chemicals of security concern

The Australian Attorney-General’s Department is seeking feedback on a regulation impact statement (RIS) which analyses four options to reduce the…[Read More]

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