The Federal Department to Industry, Science, Energy and Resources has released a technical information update on Estimating greenhouse gas emissions…[Read More]
Federal News
This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
Technical information update for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from bushfires – Released
Updates for Emissions Reduction Fund audits and Registered Greenhouse and Energy Auditors
The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has updated the Operations during COVID-19 page to include advice for:Emissions Reduction Fund participants requiring…[Read More]
Guidance for registered greenhouse and energy auditors
The Clean Energy Regulator has published guidance on continuing professional development (CPD) for registered greenhouse and energy auditors.All auditors must…[Read More]
Changes to the Clean Energy Regulator Client Portal
The Clean Energy Regulator has made changes to the Client Portal to simplify and improve the experience for users who…[Read More]
March Emissions Reduction Fund national snapshot on projects
The Clean Energy Regulator has released the March 2020 monthly Emissions Reduction Fund Emissions Position that provides a national cumulative…[Read More]
Ban on export of plastic, paper, tyres and glass waste: Timeline released
In March 2020, Council of Australian Governments (COAG) made a decision to progressively ban the export of plastic, paper, tyres…[Read More]
NEW GUIDANCE: For registered greenhouse and energy auditors
The Clean Energy Regulator has released guidance on continuing professional development (CPD) for registered greenhouse and energy auditors.All auditors must…[Read More]
Monthly national cumulative snapshot of projects under Emissions Reduction Fund
The Clean Energy Regulator has released the monthly Emissions Reduction Fund Emissions Position that provides a national cumulative snapshot of…[Read More]
Great Barrier Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program
In order to protect and manage the Great Barrier Reef for current and future generations, the Federal Minister Ley and…[Read More]
2020 Review of the Emissions Reduction Fund – Consultation open
The Climate Change Authority has released a consultation paper on its 2020 review of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).In this…[Read More]