Federal News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Forecasting weather to improve renewable energy management

Solcast, an Australian-based company that consists of meteorologists, scientists and engineers and develops tools to better operate and manage renewable energy systems across the world,…[Read More]

Updated Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) emissions position and statement: Released

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the monthly Emissions Reduction Fund Emissions Position May 2020, that provides a national cumulative snapshot of project and abatement…[Read More]

Large-scale renewable energy target data for May 2020: Released

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the May 2020 Large-scale Renewable Energy Target market data. The highlights include:• Seven power stations were accredited with…[Read More]

Project types you can undertake to reduce emissions and earn carbon credits

The types of projects you can undertake to reduce emissions and earn carbon credits are called Methods. Methods explain how…[Read More]

NEW GUIDANCE: Choosing a project proponent for landholders under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)

Before you apply to register a project under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF), have you considered who will be the…[Read More]

Draft Great Barrier Reef Interventions Policy Comment sought

You are invited to comment on the Draft Great Barrier Reef Interventions Policy that aims to guide the design of…[Read More]

National Water Reform – issues paper released for comment

The Productivity Commission has released an issues paper for National Water Reform that outlines a range of issues on which…[Read More]

Climate Disclosures for Corporations within Annual Reports: Released by KPMG

KPMG has released the report – Climate Disclosures within the Annual Report that discusses how emerging impacts of climate change…[Read More]

Water Resource Plans for SA, QLD and VIC areas of Murray Darling Basin now in force

Water Resource Plans (WRP) for South Australian, Queensland and Victorian areas of the Murray-Darling Basin are now in force.Federal Minister…[Read More]

Kights Body Temperature Scanner: Building confidence in the workplace and community

Australians’ new way of life in a COVID-19 environment includes social distancing, lots of hand santiser, and a new measure…[Read More]

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