Federal News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Register of Solar Water Heaters, Version 46: Applications open

The Clean Energy Regulator is seeking applications for version 46 of the Register of solar water heaters.The Register of solar water…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY to Support Technologies to Reduce Livestock Emissions

Livestock methane emissions accounts for approx 10% of Australia’s total emissions.The Federal Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources has…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY for Zero Emissions Fleet Vehicles

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has launched Round 2 of the Future Fuels Fund to assist road fleet operators…[Read More]

Investigation of Solar Installer by Clean Energy Regulator Leads to Conviction

An investigation by the Clean Energy Regulator has led to the prosecution of a 49-year-old Tasmanian solar panel installer in…[Read More]

New Laws mean more Powers to Regulator to Disqualify Solar Installers

In December 2021, amendments to the  Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 passed into law which address the Federal Government’s response to the…[Read More]

Minamata Convention on Mercury: Effective 7 March 2022

In Australia, the new Minamata Convention on Mercury will come into effect on 7 March 2022 and each states and…[Read More]

Australia and India formalise collaboration to lower cost of renewable energy technology

Australia and India will work together to drive down the cost of new and renewable energy technologies to help reduce…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY for small and medium food and beverage manufacturing businesses to improve energy efficiency

The Federal Government is providing grants through the Energy Efficient Communities (EEC) Program – Food and Beverage Manufacturing Business Grants…[Read More]

Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-25: Released

The Federal and QLD Governments have released the updated Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-25 (also known as the Reef 2050…[Read More]

Feds announce funding to enhance activity for indigenous community near National Radioactive Waste Management Facility site

The Federal Government last year announced that it will place the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility at a site in…[Read More]

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