The Clean Energy Regulator has released aggregated project data on human-induced regeneration.The new carbon estimate area (CEA) data for human-induced…[Read More]
Federal News
This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
Clean Energy Regulator Published Human-Induced Regeneration Aggregated Project Data
Claims about Emission Reduction Fund Methods found to be Unsubstantiated
An assessment of claims made regarding two Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) methods has been released by the Emissions Reductions Assurance…[Read More]
New Federal Environment, Climate Change, Energy, Water…Ministers Announced
This week, the new Federal Ministers were announced and sworn in and we provide the names of our new Federal…[Read More]
Changes to China’s Requirements for Cosmetics Exports
If you work in the cosmetics manufacturing and international exports sector, the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment…[Read More]
Changes to Australian and New Zealand Standards for Solar Installations
The Clean Energy Regulator is reminding Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) participants that changes have been made to the Australian…[Read More]
Outcomes of consultation released on proposed benefit sharing framework for fixed delivery exit arrangement
On 29 March 2022, the Clean Energy Regulator released a consultation paper seeking feedback on a proposed benefit sharing framework…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Advanced Manufacturing Commercialisation Fund
The Federal Government is providing funding under the Advanced Manufacturing Commercialisation Fund that provides small to medium manufacturing enterprises with…[Read More]
Guarantee of Origin (GO trials) – Participants needed for trials
The Clean Energy Regulator is undertaking trials to inform the development of a Guarantee of Origin (GO trials) scheme for…[Read More]
Large-scale Renewable Energy Target April 2022 market data: Released
The Clean Energy Regulator has released the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target April 2022 market data.Some of the highlights include –A…[Read More]
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Technology solutions for delivering low emissions feed supplements to grazing animals
Federal funding is available under the Methane Emissions Reduction in Livestock – Stage 3: Validation and Demonstration Round 1 for…[Read More]