Federal News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Clean Energy Finance Corporation – expert review released

This week, the Federal Government released a report of the independent Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) Expert Review and advised…[Read More]

New statistics released on greenhouse gas emissions

New statistics have been released on State, Territory and National greenhouse gas emissions by the Federal Department of Climate Change…[Read More]

Sustainable production of Aviation biofuels in Australia – study receives funding

The Federal Department of Resource and Energy has announced that it will provide funding to assist a study into the…[Read More]

EPA commences prosecution against DuPont

The EPA NSW commenced prosecution proceedings last week against DuPont (Australia) after 8 months of investigations, including hundreds of hours…[Read More]

New Gasfield commission announced

QLD Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, Jeff Seeney announced recently he would establish the Gasfields…[Read More]

Funding Opportunity-Innovation, green manufacturing grants available

SA Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade, Tom Koutsantonis has announced the opening of the Clever Green Eco-Innovation program. The…[Read More]

List of liable entities for carbon pricing mechanism to be published

The Clean Energy Regulator commenced operations on 2 April 2012. It is the Federal Government body responsible for administering legislation…[Read More]

Impact of a carbon price on landfill sites

Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus had released a media release this week regarding the…[Read More]

Amendments to NGER Audit Determination and NGER Audit Registration Instrument released for comment

A consultation paper on the Amendments to National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Audit Determination and NGER Audit Registration Instrument…[Read More]

Draft regulations released for Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) comment sought

The Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has released, for comment, draft regulations to support the Carbon Farming…[Read More]

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