Federal News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Methodology on the capture and combustion of landfill gas – now law

The Carbon Farming (Capture and Combustion of Methane in Landfill Gas from Legacy Waste) Methodology Determination 2012 for the capture…[Read More]

Innovative project awarded funding to reduce carbon emissions

The latest organisations to receive funding under the Clean Technology Investment Program are:   Richgro – a garden products supplier,…[Read More]

Enforceable Undertaking for breach of clearing grasslands

An Enforceable Undertaking (EU) is a constructive alternative to prosecution.  It allows an alleged offender to voluntarily enter into a…[Read More]

International Action of Climate Change – new report

The Climate Commission has released The Critical Decade: International Action of Climate Change –  which is the third major report,…[Read More]

Reports – cost benefit on Climate Change

The Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency have released the following reports that relate to cost benefit frameworks…[Read More]

New audit report guidelines for Emissions-Intensive Trade Exposed (EITE) facilities

Emissions-intensive trade exposed (EITE) facilities will be required to submit an audit report with their application for free carbon units,…[Read More]

New audit report guidelines for Emissions Intensive Trade Exposed facilities

Emissions-intensive trade exposed (EITE) facilities will be required to submit an audit report with their application for free carbon units,…[Read More]

Potential liable entities under carbon price as at 7 August 2012

As at 7 August 2012, an update of potential liable entities have been released by the Clean Energy Regulator, and…[Read More]

New patent standards designed to protect Australian exporters

Following a recent approval of stronger patent standards, Australian companies that export will have a better opportunity of protecting their…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: For Australian automotive supply chain

The Federal and Victorian Governments have launched a $35 million Automotive New Markets Initiative to assist Australian automotive suppliers, and…[Read More]

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