The Ethanol Production Grants (EPG) program seeks to support production and deployment of ethanol as a sustainable alternative transport fuel…[Read More]
Federal News
This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.
Creating an environmentally sustainable home.
Most of us are often searching for way on how we can be more sustainable within our home environment. …[Read More]
Carbon repeal Bill rejected by Senate.
This week, the Clean Energy (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill that repeals the carbon tax was rejected by the Senate. …[Read More]
Exposure draft legislation for Emissions Reduction Fund to include amendments to Carbon Farming Initiative.
In the coming weeks, the Federal Government will be releasing the Emissions Reduction Fund White Paper, which will outline its…[Read More]
Repeal of 866 legislative instruments administered by Federal Department of Environment.
The Federal Government has announced the repeal of a total of 866 legislative instruments administered by the Federal Department of…[Read More]
Research study of Carbon Farming Initiative.
The Climate Change Authority has the statutory authority to conduct a review of the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) by the…[Read More]
Design issues with Carbon Farming Initiative, says Hunt.
At a recent speech to Australian farmers and landholders, Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt said “the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI)…[Read More]
Sequestering carbon in soil in grazing systems to be added to Carbon Farming Initiative Regulations says Hunt.
Federal Minister for Environment, Greg Hunt advised that the Federal Government is progressing with the development of a soil carbon…[Read More]
Data reported by corporations to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER).
The Clean Energy Regulator has released the 2012-13 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data publication that provides data reported…[Read More]
Commonwealth and participating State/Territories agree to streamline environmental approvals processes.
The Federal Government is seeking to establish a ‘one stop shop’ for environmental approvals to remove duplication in regulation between…[Read More]