Federal News

This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

Clean Energy Regulator releases RET report for 2016

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has released their report on the administration of the renewable energy target (RET) scheme for…[Read More]

ARENA releases investment priorities plan

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has released its new investment plan to guide the priorities for close to $800…[Read More]

CEFC provides funding for alternative fuel plant

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation has announced a loan of $30 million to ResourceCo to build two alternative fuel plants.The…[Read More]

Draft threat abatement plan for disease in native ecosystems

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released the draft Threat abatement plan for disease in natural ecosystems…[Read More]

Emissions Reduction Fund project updates for March 2017

The Clean Energy Regulator has released the monthly emissions reduction fund carbon abatement statement for March 2017. The update summarises…[Read More]

Agency applications on ecological sustainability

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has received applications on ecological sustainability for export approval from the Australian…[Read More]

$133 million committed in 5th Emissions Reduction Fund auction

The Clean Energy Regulator has announced that 11.25 million tonnes of abatement at a total contract value of $133 million…[Read More]

Final report of Tasmania Energy Taskforce – Released

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy has released the final report by the Tasmanian Energy Taskforce into the…[Read More]

Call for nominations for IPCC 6th Assessment Report scoping authors

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a call for nominations for experts participate in the development of…[Read More]

Federal Government announces $18 million in new reef projects

The Federal Government has announced that funding of more than $18 million will be provided for six new projects to…[Read More]

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