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This is an Archive of AEBN's Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-newsletter. Articles are placed in this archive one month after members have received and viewed the weekly ENW e-news. The full article can only be read by members who are logged in.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: E-waste Infrastructure Grants Program

The WA Government implemented a statewide ban on e-waste disposal to landfill on 1 July 2024. E-waste includes items with a…[Read More]

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Round 2 of Carbon Innovation Grants: Program opens

The WA Government is providing funding through Round 2 of the Carbon Innovation Grants Program to support WA heavy industries…[Read More]

New waste funding for SA Councils

Green Industries SA has announced two new funding opportunities for Councils to manage waste – The Council Modernisation funding for councils is…[Read More]

Rehabilitation Liability Estimation Calculator for mining operators and exploration licence holders: Released

The South Australian Government has released its latest version of the Rehabilitation Liability Estimation Calculator. The Calculator has been updated…[Read More]

Firm Energy Reliability Mechanism: Comment sought

The SA Government is seeking feedback on the government’s approach to ensuring reliable and secure electricity for SA, now and…[Read More]

Draft Safety in Forest Harvesting Operations: Code of Practice Comment sought

SafeWork NSW, in consultation with stakeholders, has updated the draft Safety in forest harvesting operations Code of Practice. The code provides information…[Read More]

Recycled Water Roadmap for NSW: Comment sought

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking inputs on the draft New South Wales Recycled…[Read More]

EPA Victoria shuts down recycler

EPA Victoria has revoked the permissions of a recycling company in Melbourne’s West.  The company and Director have been issued…[Read More]

New Factsheet on Managing Plastic Feedstock: Released

EPA Victoria has released a new Fact Sheet on Managing plastic feedstock.   Plastic feedstock is the raw material such as flakes,…[Read More]

Audit Thresholds Instruments consultation: Comment sought

The Clean Energy Regulator seeks feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Audit Thresholds) Instrument…[Read More]

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