ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY FOR BUSINESS SEMINAR: Changes to laws, New developments and Funding from across Australia – September 13, 2018
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND NEW ENERGY DEVELOPMENTS FOR BUSINESSES: The Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) have developed this Seminar to provide details of Victoria's new environmental law, the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018, that became law on 28 August 2018; including the latest changes from across Australia on environmental compliance; new energy developments and Funding opportunities - to ensure you are up to date with your obligations and remain compliant. You will hear an all-round perspective by the Regulators, lawyers, environment and energy experts to assist you in understanding IF, HOW and WHEN change should be implemented within your business operations.
AEBN MEMBER NETWORKING DRINKS: For all AEBN Members, and delegates attending the Seminar. Commencing at 4.30pm to 5.30pm on 13 September 2018. Please join us.