Energy Efficiency 2017 report by International Energy Agency – Released

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released the ‘Energy Efficiency 2017’ report that highlights the ongoing importance of energy efficiency to global economies, households and the environment.

The report finds that due to energy efficiency – 

  • global energy use was 12% lower in 2016.
  • Global energy intensity – the energy used per unit of gross domestic product – fell by 1.8%.
  • Improvements in 2016 continue the steady progress seen since the start of the decade.

The report also reveals areas where specific actions could be taken. For example, only four countries regulate the efficiency of trucks, and space-cooling demand is rising fastest in countries with the weakest air-conditioning efficiency regulation.

Technological innovation is enabling breakthroughs in energy efficiency, such as integrated solutions where efficiency and renewable energy work together to deliver clean energy outcomes at lowest cost.

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