Energy efficiency and cost savings

Victorian pharmaceutical manufacturer, Baxter Laboratories Pty Ltd has announced that they will invest in state-of-the-art equipment that will reduce the carbon emissions intensity of the company’s Boronia facility by 11%.  The company will be assisted by funding of $33,250 from the Clean Technology Investment Program

The funding will help replace existing, less efficient, high bay lights at the company’s pharmaceutical production facility in Boronia with new sky bay lighting. 

Once the project is completed, it is expected that the company will reduce its energy costs by up to $16,000 each year. 

Baxter Laboratories manufactures skin care, sunscreen and topical pharmaceutical products. 

Information regarding the Clean Technology Investment Program is now available.



AEBN Comment


The Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) will be holding its Energy Efficiency Improvements & Cost Savings Opportunity workshop on 6 June 2013.  The Workshop has been developed for industry, business and councils to identify economic opportunities for energy savings within their business and to develop and implement effective energy management systems.


A program is now available.  Register early as places are limited.

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