The Productivity Commission, this week, released a draft report on the public inquiry into Electricity Network Regulation for public comment.
Draft recommendations and findings are outlined on pages 39 to 61 of the report to assist you with providing feedback.
The Productivity Commission commenced the inquiry in January 2012, and is expected to deliver its final report to the Federal Government by 9 April 2013.
The purpose of the inquiry is to inform the Federal Government as to whether there are any practical or empirical constraints on the use of benchmarking of network businesses, and to then provide advice on how benchmarking could deliver efficient outcomes for consumers, consistent with the National Electricity Objective (NEO).
In addition, the inquiry examines whether efficient levels of transmission interconnectors are being delivered, to inform the Federal Government about whether the regulatory regime is delivering efficient levels of interconnection to support the market.
“This work is intended to build on the work underway on efficient network regulation and transmission frameworks by the Australian Energy Regulator and the Australian Energy Market Commission,” advised Martin Ferguson, Federal Minister for Resources and Energy.
The draft report is provided in 2 volumes –
Volume 1 contains the Overview, Draft Recommendations and findings and chapters 1 to 8.
Volume 2 contains chapters 9 to 21 and the appendices.
Submissions are to be forwarded to no later than Friday 23 November 2012.