AEBN Environment Network Weekly e-news – National Edition – 12 July 2024



Dear AEBN Member


Welcome to the latest Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) Environment Network Weekly (ENW) e-news – National Edition:  (The Latest e-news is available in .pdf version below) –  

Please note: 

  • The AEBN National ENW e-news is distributed each fortnight and aims to cover changes within the fortnight.  

  • ALL articles that appear in the AEBN National ENW e-news will be archived onto the AEBN NEWS Portal within 5 business days.  Articles are sorted by state, topic and date for Member access.  

    To access the NEWS Portal.  Please contact the AEBN National Office to request for AEBN Member Login instructions. Please email or call 03 9397 2511.

Reminder:  *This site, including AEBN Member Services and the AEBN National ENW e-news, is for AEBN Member organisations and their staff only.  Membership applies to an organisation and its entity(s) providing the entity(s) shares the same ABN and trading name.  If the entity(s) does not share the same ABN and trading name, then they will be considered a ‘non-member’ of the AEBN.  We encourage those entity(s) to become a Member of the AEBN.  

Membership services

As a reminder, AEBN membership services are available for all staff within your *organisation.  

Should you have any enquiries, please contact the Australian Environment Business Network (AEBN) National Office on 03 9397 2511 or AEBN Mobile 0416 161 160.


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